R1 announces 19 Sectional and Individual Professional Awards!

The Region 1 Awards and Recognition Committee is proud to announce the following 2016 Region 1 Award recipients.  Congratulations to the following individuals and Sections for their continued dedication and service to IEEE!

Robert W. Lucky (New Jersey Coast) – The William Terry Distinguished Service Award.  For unparalleled creativity, leadership, and inspiration in industrial research, government scientific programs, and IEEE public recognition globally.
North Jersey Section – Alex Gruenwald Region 1 PACE Award.  For significant contributions to networking, employment, and the enhancement of the relation with local government and education<.
Daniel A. Cerone (North Jersey) – Region 1 Young Professionals Award.  For outstanding contributions to the IEEE North Jersey Section’s student activities.

Alexander C. Loui (Rochester) – Technological Innovation Award. For significant contributions and technical leadership in multimedia and computer vision algorithms research and development.

Wendi B. Heinzelman (Rochester) – Outstanding Teaching in an IEEE Area of Interest Award.  For outstanding support and leadership of the University of Rochester IEEE Student Branch.

Sai Padmanabhan (Long Island) – Outstanding Support for the Mission of the IEEE, MGA, Region 1 and Section Award.  For organizing and presenting the highly successful 2016 IEEE Long Island RF/Microwave Symposium and Exhibits.
Debra Demou (Long Island) – Managerial Excellence in an Engineering Organization Award.  For innovative technical leadership in the successful management of complex embedded software systems.
Gregory C. Koch (Buffalo) – Outstanding Support for the Mission of the IEEE, MGA, Region 1 and Section Award.  For valued service and outstanding contribution to the Buffalo Section.
Theodore Koutsoudis (Long Island) – Technological Innovation Award.  For technical advances in signal, data and Adaptive Processing leading to significant improvements in detection, tracking and precision in Airborne Early Warning Radars.
Manu Malek (New Jersey Coast) – Outstanding Teaching in an IEEE Area of Interest Award.  For outstanding contributions to education in the area of cyber security.
T. V. Lakshman (New Jersey Coast) – Technological Innovation Award.  For fundamental contributions to advancements in high-speed packet networking technologies.
Lawrence S. Hausman (Long Island) – Technological Innovation Award.  For outstanding contributions in the development of techniques to extend network analysis measurements for spatially dispersed components.
Haoyu Wang (Connecticut) – Outstanding Teaching in an IEEE Area of Interest Award.  For persistent promotion and consciously improving education in robotics and manufacturing automation.
MengChu Zhou (North Jersey) – Outstanding Support for the Mission of the IEEE, MGA, Region 1 and Section Award.  For outstanding contributions to the IEEE North Jersey Section and its SMC Chapter.
Jyoti Sharma (North Jersey) – Outstanding Teaching in an IEEE Area of interest Award.  For significant contributions to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.
Hong Man (North Jersey) – Outstanding Support for the Mission of the IEEE, MGA, Region 1 and Section Award.  For outstanding leadership and contributions to the IEEE North Jersey Section.
Yu-Dong Yao (North Jersey) – Technological Innovation Award.  For outstanding leadership and significant innovations in RF and antenna designs for directed-energy systems.
Paresh Patel (New York) – Managerial Excellence in an Engineering Organization Award.  For outstanding leadership in engineering management for the restoration of vital railroad signaling and communication infrastructure damaged by Superstorm Sandy for the MTA New York City Transit Subway and the benefit of the public<.
Wilson M. Milian (New York) – Managerial Excellence in an Engineering Organization Award.  For outstanding leadership and contributions to electrical engineering management in the design and construction of communication based train control and customer information systems for the MTA New York City Transit Subway system