O. Second Session Group B – Socci et al. Region Strategic Goals Definition Report


180811 R1 BoG


Session 2: Region Strategic Goals Definition


Focus Group 1 – Finding and Engaging volunteers

1.       Discussion

a.       Enable non-members to volunteer.

b.       Find ways to break up tasks into smaller chunks. Many hands

c.       Spread our awards and fellows – they will volunteer

                                       i.            Bring in as speaker

                                     ii.            Give them an award

d.       Strengthen connection between region and area chairs

e.       Better training

f.        Region leadership needs to be more visible to section members

g.       More visible/tangible volunteer recognition or incentive

h.       Younger folks live on iphones.  Our human factors of IEEE website are horrible.  Need more youth-friendly IEEE interface

i.         Region has to make information easy to find for volunteers.  Make the volunteer IT system easier

j.         Make the value proposition for volunteers more clear (relationships, management practice, event planning

k.       Certificate of appreciation – thank your volunteers when they do a job

l.         Volunteer mentoring and guidance

m.     Senior volunteers should reach out to new volunteers, attend section Excoms, engage

n.       Define simple first steps as a volunteer

                                       i.            Microvolunteering

                                     ii.            Easy tasks

                                   iii.            Low risk of failure

                                   iv.            Must be of interest to candidate

o.       Member/Volunteer Reward Points program

p.       Many members do not know they can volunteer for IEEE. 

q.       Market segmentation – personify volunteers

r.        Annual awards dinner/dance to enable networking to grow and propogate

s.        Need to reduce bureaucracy and regulations

t.        Quickly put them in a job when they show an interest

u.       Regions and sections are different, so no global answer will work.  Build a list of tips and practices that each section and personalize to their needs.

v.       Networking chapters within sections

2.       Categorize

a.       Methods –

                                       i.            Enable anyone with energy to volunteer

                                     ii.            Make all members aware of their ability to influence through volunteering

                                   iii.            Publicize volunteer training opportunities

                                   iv.            Provide mentoring and guidance for new volunteers – don’t rope somebody in and leave them hanging

                                     v.            Need stronger communication among volunteers to that new volunteers have friends to support them and answer their questions.

b.       Content –

                                       i.            Early volunteer opportunities must be related to the volunteer’s interests

                                     ii.            Member engagement precedes volunteer engagement.

                                   iii.            Communicate volunteer opportunities to all members.

                                   iv.            Make it easy for them to start with simple tasks

                                     v.            Information must be more user-friendly

                                   vi.            Create a "Volunteer Engagement Handbook" that gives best practices and tips to engage and develop volunteers

c.       Measures

                                       i.            Make a clear value proposition to members – what is in it for them?

                                     ii.            Strong recognition and volunteer appreciation

                                   iii.            Senior volunteers need to engage/mentor new volunteers

                                   iv.            Measure volunteer contributions – volunteer points, incentives



Session 3: Sections breakout session





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