29 R1 Members were elevated as IEEE Fellows in 2017!

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Congratulations  to all R1 members elevated as IEEE Fellows!

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members whose extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.  The total number selected in any one year does not exceed one-tenth of one percent of the total voting Institute membership.  R1 currently has 1,532 IEEE Fellows!

In 2017, 29 R1 members were elevated as IEEE Fellows!

AlexeiAshikhminNorth Jersey Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to information theory and communication theory
CalinBeltaBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to automated control synthesis and robot motion planning and control
AlperBuyuktosunogluLong Island Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to adaptive micro-architectures and robust power management
LucaCarloniNew York Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to system-on-chip design automation and latency-insensitive design
RobertCunninghamBoston Section2017Technical LeaderFor leadership in computer security
DovDoriBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to model-based systems engineering and document analysis recognition
FrederickDouglisPrinceton/Central Jersey Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to computer systems resource utilization and efficienc
SandhyaDwarkadasRochester Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to shared memory and reconfigurability
JuliaHirschbergNew York Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to text-to-speech synthesis and spoken language understanding
MichaelIsnardiPrinceton/Central Jersey Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to compliance testing and vision-based video compression technologies
PaulJuodawlkisBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to optically sampled converters and waveguide amplifiers
Ning-ChengLeeMohawk Valey Section2017Technical LeaderFor leadership in Surface Mount Technology and interconnect materials
XiangLiu HuaweiPrinceton/Central Jersey Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to broadband optical fiber communication systems and networks
YongLiuLong Island Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to multimedia networking
AleksandraMojsilovicLong Island Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to signal processing for image analysis, data mining, and business analytics
DanielOatesBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to high-temperature superconductors and applications to RF receiver technology
TomasPalaciosBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to gallium nitride electron devices and two-dimensional materials
Li-ShiuanPehBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to the architecture and design automation of networks-on-chip
ShaominPengConnecticut Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to scalable video decoding methods in MPEG2 standa
EricPerfectoMid-Hudson Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor the development of Pb-free, flip chip solder interconnect and advancements to multi-level Cu- polyimide packages
BhuvanaRamabhadranLong Island Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to speech recognition and language processing
FrankRobeyBoston Section2017Technical LeaderFor leadership in development of advanced radar systems
StanleySclaroffBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to computer vision, image retrieval, and gesture analysis
BehzadShahrarayNew Jersey Coast Section2017Technical LeaderFor leadership in content-based processing and retrieval of multimedia information
StevenStevenBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to statistical signal processing and applications to radar and sonar
EricSwansonBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to Optical Coherence Tomography and leadership in optical networ
MohammedZakiSchenectady Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to knowledge discovery and data mining
RobertBoydRochester Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to the fields of nonlinear optics and photonics
XinZhangBoston Section2017Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to microelectromechanical systems
MehmetSoyuerTappan Zee Subsection2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to the design of high-frequency integrated circuits for clocking and communications
DavidBrooksBoston Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to power-efficient and resilient computer system design
MarkHorensteinBoston Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to the modeling and measurements of electrostatics in industrial processes
BruceSmithRochester Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to semiconductor lithography
AjayPoddarNorth Jersey Section2016Application Engineer/PractitionerFor contributions to microwave oscillators
WendiRabiner HeinzelmanRochester Section2016Research Engineer/Scientist For contributions to algorithms, protocols, and architectures for wireless sensor and mobile networks
PabloParriloBoston Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to semidefinite and sum-of-squares optimization
YixinDiaoTappan Zee Subsection2016Research Engineer/Scientist For contributions to modeling, optimization, and control of computing systems
VishalMisraNew York Section2016Research Engineer/Scientist For contributions to network traffic modeling, congestion control and Internet economics
LawrenceKushner2016Technical LeaderFor leadership in RF/microwave circuits for military and commercial applications
IvanSelesnickNew York Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to wavelet and sparsity based signal processing
LizhongZhengBoston Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to the theory of multiple antenna communication
JessicaFridrichBinghamton Section2016Research Engineer/Scientist For contributions to digital media forensics, steganography, and steganalysis
BrianBrandtNew Hampshire Section2016Technical LeaderFor leadership in data converters and mixed-signal circuits
HuiLeiTappan Zee Subsection2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to scalable and dependable data access in distributed computing systems
SheldonKennedyBuffalo Section2016Technical Leader For leadership in the technology and standards for rectifier, inverter and harmonic-mitigating transformers
AlvinJosephGreen Mountain Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to silicon-germanium bipolar-CMOS and RF silicon-on-insulator technology
DimitriMetaxasPrinceton/Central Jersey Section2016Research Engineer/Scientist For contributions to computer vision, medical image analysis, and sparse learning methods
GabrieleManganaroBoston Section2016Technical LeaderFor leadership in the design of high-speed converters
MuktaFarooqMid-Hudson Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to 3D integration and interconnect technology
KuiRenBuffalo Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to security and privacy in cloud computing and wireless networks
LeonardFeldmanPrinceton/Central Jersey Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to semiconductor-dielectric interfaces for MOS technologies
KarlBerggrenBoston Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to nanofabrication and nanomanufacturing in the sub-10 nm regime
WayneBequetteSchenectady Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to design and control of chemical and biomedical systems
OsvaldoSimeoneNorth Jersey Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to cooperative cellular systems and cognitive radio networks
KeithPaulsenNew Hampshire Section2016Technical LeaderFor leadership in biomedical technologies in medical imaging for diagnosis and intervention
CharlesLeisersonBoston Section2016Technical LeaderFor leadership in parallel and distributed computing
TheodoreSizerNew Jersey Coast Section2016Technical LeaderFor leadership in wireless communications technology
RajeevRamBoston Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to semiconductor lasers and integration of photonics with CMOS electronics
MichaelHendersonSpringfield Section2016Application Engineer/PractitionerFor contributions to the application of high-voltage DC and flexible AC transmission systems
Gregory Raybon,New Jersey Coast Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to high-speed optical communication systems
ClydeMaughanSchenectady Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to large generator insulation systems and generator failure mechanisms
ErnestWuGreen Mountain Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to gate oxide reliability of CMOS devices
DimitrisManolakisBoston Section2016Educator For contributions to signal processing education, algorithms for adaptive filtering, and hyperspectral imaging
SubhabrataSenPrinceton/Central Jersey Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to analysis of cross-layer interactions in cellular networks
JiaWangPrinceton/Central Jersey Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to measurement and management of large operational networks
DanielSabinNorthshore Subsection2016Technical LeaderFor leadership in power quality database management and analysis software
GeorgesEl FakhriBoston Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to biological imaging
SundeepRanganNew York Section2016Research Engineer/ScientistFor contributions to orthogonal frequency division multiple access cellular communication systems