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IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecture – Innovations in IoT for a Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Future
June 8, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecture
June 8, 2022, Wednesday, 6~ 7:30 PM
Online IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Lecture – “Innovations in IoT for a Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Future” – Speaker: Prof. Swarup Bhunia
Joint Event hosted by
IEEE Computer New York Chapter,
IEEE Computer Long Island Chapter,
IEEE Computer the Mid-Hudson Chapter,
IEEE Computer New Jersey Coast Chapter,
IEEE Computer Schenectady Chapter,
IEEE Computer Boston Chapter and
IEEE Communications New York Chapter
IEEE Student Branch at LIU-Brooklyn
IEEE Student Branch at City College of Technology, CUNY
WebEx Meeting Information Hosted by Webex MGA-New-York
Wednesday, Jun 8, 2022 6:00 pm | 1 hour 30 minutes | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 2537 112 5881
Password: TMg33WtCMc5
6:00 PM Welcome Remarks
IEEE Promotion Video – IEEE- Engineers are the Solutionists of Tomorrow
Distinguished Lecture “Innovations in IoT for a Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Future”
6:15PM Introduce Speaker, Speaker: Prof. Swarup Bhunia
6:15~ 7:15PM, Presentation,
7:15 – 7:30 PM Q/A
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0002 United States Toll
1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free
Access code: 253 711 25881
ABSTRACT: Internet of Things (IoT) promises to usher in the fourth industrial revolution through an exponential growth of smart connected devices deployed in myriad application domains. It gives rise to new relationships between man and smart connected machines that might transform our everyday experiences. Such a transformation, however, builds on innovations at all levels in the IoT architecture – from edge devices to the cloud. In this talk, we will cover the IoT design practices and core technological challenges that need to be addressed to enable widespread deployment of IoT. We will focus on innovations in the areas of energy-efficiency, security, interoperability and intelligent decision making. Next, we will discuss several compelling applications of IoT that give unprecedented capability to us. In particular, we will cover applications of IoT in addressing some of the critical safety, security, and sustainability issues in our society.
Distinguished Visitor Bio: [https://www.computer.org/profiles/swarup-bhunia](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.computer.org/profiles/swarup-bhunia__;!!DeIc-uvKXH9G!t-9EnfuzfgV8jC3B17GVWWbjPXWGq9PEGOOI5DArRwZPwR4eC1WbDrlW4Fl2QA$)
Co-sponsored by: IEEE Computer the Mid-Hudson Chapter, NJ Coast Chapter, Boston Chapter, IEEE Communications NY Chapter, IEEE SMC NY, IEEE Student Branch at LIU-Brooklyn, IEEE Student Branch at City College of Technology, CUNY
Speaker(s): Prof. Swarup Bhunia ,
6:00 PM Welcome Remarks
IEEE Promotion Video – IEEE- Engineers are the Solutionists of Tomorrow
Distinguished Lecture “Innovations in IoT for a Safe, Secure, and Sustainable Future”
6:15PM Introduce Speaker, Speaker: Prof. Swarup Bhunia
6:15~ 7:15PM, Presentation,
7:15 – 7:30 PM Q/A
New York City, New York, United States