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IEEE ISDL (Intersociety Distinguished Lecturer) Workshop: Latest Technology Trends in Wireless Communications and Antenna Technologies

March 5 @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

A workshop titled as “Latest Technology Trends in Wireless Communications and Antenna Technologies” will be organized on March 5th at The College of New Jersey. Two IEEE Young Professional Ambassadors, One Distinguished lecturer, an IEEE PCJS Membership chair, and one professional from the industry from Academia and industry are invited to deliver speeches on technology trends and significant advances in wireless comm and antenna technologies.
The proposed event is expected to impact various fronts. First, it aims to enhance student membership by attracting new members. Second, the event will serve as a platform for expanding students' exposure and interest in this field. Additionally, it will provide valuable networking opportunities for professional development among participants, further strengthening their influence in the field.
Co-sponsored by: IEEE AP-S Technical Committee on Wireless Communications
Speaker(s): , , ,
• 11:00 am—— Introduction (IEEE Student Chapter President-Brandon Espinal)
• 11:15 am —- Senthil NATHAN (IEEE PCJS Member Chair Talk)
• 11:30 am—– Prof Levent SEVGI (IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer Program Chair
• 12:40pm—–Sumitra DEY(Amazon Labs)
• 1:15pm—–Lunch
• 1:40 pm —- Khadimul ISLAM (Dassault Systems)
• 2:10 pm—Mahrukh KHAN
Room: 136, Bldg: ARMSTRONG HALL, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, New Jersey, United States, 08618, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/466991

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