
Introduction To Machine Learning

Room: Room 302, Bldg: Becton Building , FDU Metropolitan Campus, 960 River Road, Teaneck, New Jersey, United States, 07666

May 6 through June 24, 2023. Saturdays 1:30-4:30pm.Register now, last call as its less than 2 weeks away until start date.The IEEE North Jersey Section Communications Society (ComSoc chapter) is... Read more

Women in Engineering and Computing: Opportunities and challenges

Bldg: Barrows Hall, Arthur St. John Hill Auditorium, Orono, Maine, United States, 04469

In this presentation you will learn more about women in engineering and computing. New opportunities and challenges are presented and there will be plenty of time for networking and discussions... Read more

Tailoring Electromagnetic Waves from RF to the IR: Theory and Applications


Tailoring Electromagnetic waves from RF to the IR: Theory and Applications (( talk presents novel approaches to manipulate electromagnetic waves and exploit them in practical applications. The first part of... Read more

Ensuring NB-IoT Device NTN Performance


In this webinar, the following topics will be discussed:- NTN market status, use cases, and different strategies- Testing aspects and challenges associated with NTN-IoT devices- How to use the R&S... Read more

RWU Computer Science Senior Design Presentations

Bristol, Rhode Island, United States, Virtual:

You are invited to attend the Roger Williams University Computer Science Senior Design Team presentations of their year-long capstone project status on May 9th 2023 at 2:00 PM Eastern. The... Read more

ExComm May 2023 Meeting

1014 Monroe Turnpike, Monroe, Connecticut, United States, 06468, Virtual:

Section ActivitiesAgenda: Review Secretary and Treasury reportsDiscuss Affinity Group Activities - Consultant Networks, WIE, YP and PACEReview technical society activities - AP/MTT/UFFC, ComSoc/SP, Computyer/SMC, PESReview committee activities - Membership, Entrepreneur... Read more

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