
Introduction To Machine Learning

Room: Room 302, Bldg: Becton Building , FDU Metropolitan Campus, 960 River Road, Teaneck, New Jersey, United States, 07666

May 6 through June 24, 2023. Saturdays 1:30-4:30pm.Register now, last call as its less than 2 weeks away until start date.The IEEE North Jersey Section Communications Society (ComSoc chapter) is... Read more

Large Scale Generator Interconnection Processes and Challenges


With the United States' ambitious renewable energy goals, the demand for large-scale (>20MW) generator interconnection (GI) services has increased significantly, leading to longer interconnection queues and longer wait times for... Read more

Tour of The Buffalo Transportation Pierce-Arrow Museum

263 MICHIGAN AVENUE AT 201 SENECA BUFFALO, NEW YORK 14203, Buffalo, New York, United States, 14203

History of automotive industry in Buffalo, NY.IEEE Memebers admission is covered by Buffalo Section. Companions/non-IEEE members will pay $30 a the door263 MICHIGAN AVENUE AT 201 SENECA BUFFALO, NEW YORK... Read more

Executive Committee Meeting

Room: Upstairs, 190 Scott Street, Buffalo, New York, United States, 14204

Section ExCom meeting at Hoffbrauhaus Buffalo following the tour to Automotive Museum( Section will provide $10 ticket for one drink per attendee (must be over 21 years of age)Room: Upstairs,... Read more

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