IEEE HKN Social at RadarConf
Room: Lenox Room, Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, 811 7th Ave, New York, New York, United States, 11019 Room: Lenox Room, Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, 811 7th Ave, New York, New York, United States, 11019Professional Development Night
Albany, New York, United States, 12222, Virtual: of Events
IEEE RadarConf 2022 – Complimentary Registrations
This page is for invited-only attendees who receive complimentary registrations.You must have been communicated by the RadarConf Organizing Committee to register through this link.If you have not been explicitly directed to use this link, please use the main registration page on https://www.radarconf2022.orgWhen registering* Please insert your info* Please select your Complimentary Registration Type from the... Read more
IEEE HKN Social at RadarConf
IEEE HKN Social at RadarConf
Join our Social Event for all IEEE HKN Members. Registration is completely free!Social event includes an open bar at the Sheraton New York Times Square, in the Lenox room.You must provide proof of COVID-19 FULL VACCINATION status to join the social event.for info, email [email protected]: Lenox Room, Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, 811 7th... Read more
Professional Development Night
Professional Development Night
Struggled on that last technical interview? Want to get a better understanding of data structures and algorithms? Join us every Monday for Professional Development Night. We offer resume review and host technical interview practice with LeetCode problems where we attempt to solve them and discuss different approaches to them.Albany, New York, United States, 12222, Virtual:... Read more
State Machines and Timed State Machines in VHDL: FPGA Implementation of RS232, SPI and I2C Serial Communication Protocols Course
State Machines and Timed State Machines in VHDL: FPGA Implementation of RS232, SPI and I2C Serial Communication Protocols Course
Course Format: Live Webinar, 10 sessions, 1 hour per sessionTimes and Dates: 11AM (ET), March 22, 24, 29, 31, April 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21- Introduction: State machines are used to characterize the behavior of digital electronic circuits. State machines are widely used in industrial applications. For instance, they are used in factories for... Read more
Policy Optimization in Reinforcement Learning: A Tale of Preconditioning and Regularization
Policy Optimization in Reinforcement Learning: A Tale of Preconditioning and Regularization
Policy optimization, which learns the policy of interest by maximizing the value function via large-scale optimization techniques, lies at the heart of modern reinforcement learning (RL). In addition to value maximization, other practical considerations arise commonly as well, including the need of encouraging exploration, and that of ensuring certain structural properties of the learned policy... Read more
Out of the Maze (IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar)
Out of the Maze (IEEE-USA Livestream Webinar)
Picking up where ( left off, Out of the Maze is a simple story that offers profound truths about how to transform your work or life by challenging your beliefs.When we first met them in (; two mouse-sized characters named HEM and HAW were faced with unexpected change when the Cheese they loved suddenly disappeared.... Read more
PACE-SIGHT Group Womens History Month Drop-In Session Uncovering Our History
PACE-SIGHT Group Womens History Month Drop-In Session Uncovering Our History
PACE SIGHT Group Womens History Month Drop-In SessionCelebrating Womens History Month Drop-In Session to share our favorite role models and share ideas for those who should be recognized for their achievements, for their inventions, or publications, with a report, with Milestones, Oral Histories, awards, membership elevation to Senior or Fellow, Blog features, and more. The... Read more
Convolutional Neural Network: History & Explained
Convolutional Neural Network: History & Explained
In our previous workshops, we have implemented our own simple convolutional neural network and also have implemented it by utilizing the TensorFlow library. In this workshop, however, no coding would be done, but we would learn the history of CNN and learn the step-by-step process from input to output and analyze each layer.Albany, New York,... Read more
FDU Student Scholarship Initiatives: STEM Education and Humanitarian Project Activities
FDU Student Scholarship Initiatives: STEM Education and Humanitarian Project Activities
Covid-19 pandemic restricted in-person meetings and events, for the first time in over two years, more than 100 scholarship recipients and donors gathered to enjoy a meal together at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Scholarship Luncheon, which was held on March 24 in Lenfell Hall on the University’s Florham Campus. The goal of the event is to... Read more
How to become a great software designer
How to become a great software designer
IEEE Computer Society and GBC/ACMonline 7:00 PM, Thursday, 24 March 2022How to become a great software designerDaniel Jackson, MITRegister in advance for this webinar at registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.Why are some apps so much better than others, and some designers so much more successful? For... Read more
Deep Learning Based Security Solutions for the Internet of Medical Things
Deep Learning Based Security Solutions for the Internet of Medical Things
With the latest advances in medical technology, more patients today have implantable embedded medical devices. And many of these devices are “connected”: devices are now connected to each other and to the internet, which leads to the use of the term Internet of Medical Things. WiFi/Cellular chips allow medical devices talk to each other, in... Read more
Side Project Development Night
Side Project Development Night
Bored with nothing to do? Maybe it’s time to start a side project. Join us every Friday for Side Project Development Night. Come see what everyone else is working on or better yet, show off what you’re working on. Need help on something? Just ask! Need motivation? We got that too!Albany, New York, United States,... Read more
Big Data Market Research in Seven Saturdays via Zoom
Big Data Market Research in Seven Saturdays via Zoom
IEEE North Jersey Section offers "Big Data Marketing Research". lists 14,177 Data, Analyst, or Marketing jobs in the New York tri-state area daily! As an engineer, you never did marketing. Getting the MBA takes two years. This is the better alternative to learn marketing.This course deals with the collection, evaluation and analysis of the... Read more
IEEE AP-S COPE Project: New Jersey Girl Scout STEM Day event
IEEE AP-S COPE Project: New Jersey Girl Scout STEM Day event
After 2 years of virtual events, it was amazing how pre-university committees of IEEE North jersey Section along with partner Phillips 66 brought together Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey for an in-person hands-on NJ Makers Day STEM event. Creating astonishing projects in electrical, computer, mechanical, and chemical fields had many scouts saying "this is... Read more
Connecticut Section – IEEE YP – Virtual Networking Coffee Hour
Connecticut Section – IEEE YP – Virtual Networking Coffee Hour
This is your chance to connect with the volunteers and your peers in Connecticut! Do you have an idea for a social or networking event? Please register below to join your fellow IEEE Young Professionals for an informal chat on IEEE activities in Connecticut.Support for those interested in the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam, Principles... Read more
TEDxBinghamtonUniversity: Welcome to Tomorrow
TEDxBinghamtonUniversity: Welcome to Tomorrow
TEDxBinghamtonUniversity: Welcome to Tomorrow’s mission is to shed light on the “new normal” that we find ourselves in as a society. The past couple of years have presented a new set of challenges for each and every one of us. We at TEDxBinghamtonUniversity hope that by sharing the unique experiences of our speakers, our audience... Read more