5G Satellite networks – Part of 5G NTN
February 13 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Abstract: 5G services described by 3GPP standards are deployed terrestrially mainly in two frequency bands FR1 (lower bands) and FR2 (millimetric wave band). But the Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN), were introduced from Release 15 onwards. Releases 16, 17 describe both the service and system aspects. Release 17 describes the core network and terminals. While satellites have operated in three major orbits (in terms of altitude from the earth). Major companies have started to deploy large number of satellites in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) of 800 km or lower (much closer to the earth). Why is this concept of LEO popular? The first aspect is low latency, which is very useful to Internet access. The Low Earth Orbit is not new since international earth stations are deployed in this orbit and many other satellites exist in that orbit. Why is this proposal of 5G unique? Are there major challenges in deploying a large number of satellites in MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) or in High Elevation Orbit (HEO) and what are they? This tutorial provides an overview of satellite services being offered till now, its limitation and how these new concepts are expected to transform communications during 5G and 6G. In addition to the satellite as a telecom service there are other aspects from the aerospace perspective. It is important to review that aspect in this tutorial. The important aspect of who will clean up the space debris and how can that be cleaned will also be discussed.
Co-sponsored by: NY Section, NY Student Chapter
Speaker(s): Raghu,
Room: Rose Auditorium, Bldg: Rose Auditorium, The Cooper Union for Advancement of Science and Art, 41 Cooper Square, New York, New York, United States