Rooftop Social Movie "Counted Out" Watch Party: Careers in Technology Special Event

AT&T Labs, 200 South Laurel Ave, Middletown, New Jersey, United States, 07748 AMTNJ (Association of Math Teachers of New Jersey) is sponsoring a screening of the documentary Counted Out. It is a great movie about math education and STEM in general. Co-sponsored by Jersey Shore STEM Ecosystem. Rooftop Social Movie Watch Party: Meet and Greet, with a Panel on the importance of Math in our Society.... Read more

Rooftop Social Movie "Counted Out" Watch Party: Careers in Technology Special Event

AT&T Labs, 200 South Laurel Ave, Middletown, New Jersey, United States, 07748 AMTNJ (Association of Math Teachers of New Jersey) is sponsoring a screening of the documentary Counted Out. It is a great movie about math education and STEM in general. Rooftop Social Movie Watch Party: Meet and Greet, with a Panel on the importance of Math in our Society. Join the Conversation, Network, and meet... Read more