
Introduction To Machine Learning

Room: Room 302, Bldg: Becton Building , FDU Metropolitan Campus, 960 River Road, Teaneck, New Jersey, United States, 07666

May 6 through June 24, 2023. Saturdays 1:30-4:30pm.Register now, last call as its less than 2 weeks away until start date.The IEEE North Jersey Section Communications Society (ComSoc chapter) is... Read more

2023 Systems and Technologies for Remote Sensing Applications Through Unmanned Aerial Systems (STRATUS)

Bldg: 76, Rochester Institute of Technology, Center for Imaging Science, 54 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, New York, United States, 14623

Stratus-conference.comThe STRATUS 2023 conference brings together academics, industry representatives, and domain specialists to share perspectives on this rapidly evolving field of a wide range of topics. Since its inception in... Read more

Manipulando Ondas Electromagnéticas: Fundamentos Teóricos y Aplicaciones Prácticas


Manipulando Ondas Electromagnéticas: Fundamentos Teóricos y Aplicaciones Prácticas (Spanish) (( charla presenta nuevas técnicas para manipular ondas electromagnéticas que pueden ser incorporadas en múltiples aplicaciones. La primera parte de la... Read more

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