Leadership Wellbeing

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/316468

IEEE-USA Free Livestream EventYou cannot pour from an empty cup. Wellbeing is a requirement to thrive in the "never normal" of constant change. Most high-performers know that wellbeing is important,... Read more

Introduction to Python Workshop

Room: 025, Bldg: Humanities, 1400 Washington Avenue, University at Albany, Albany, New York, United States, 12222

Python is one of the most popular, flexible, and simplest high-level programming languages. Despite the small learning curve, its extensive third-party libraries and easy syntax allow programmers to quickly build... Read more

Eliminating Bias from Technology for Developers

Room: 128, Bldg: SETA IDE, 2500 North River Rd., Manchester, New Hampshire, United States, 03106

Abstract: As reported in the Forbes article “(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/02/04/the-role-of-bias-in-artificial-intelligence/?sh=421300f7579d__;!!BeImMA!7hm8HTPEsan1ZioFQH-8t-2ISV-i4QFIu8-2xuuJI0MzL262DbM3rq58yiS6HJ1U3PUh39B0X39nbCrEs58$)”, facial recognition systems are under scrutiny. Class imbalance is a leading issue in facial recognition software. A dataset called "Faces in the... Read more

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