IEEE North Jersey/Princeton-Central Jersey Industry Applications Society Chapter
Ken Oexle, Chair
Ronald Quade, Vice-Chair
Michael Miller, Secretary
The IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) is one of the largest special interest societies with nearly 10,000 members. The IAS focuses specifically on the unique needs of industry and commerce. Through a network of over 100 chapters globally, regional events and national and international conferences, the society keeps members abreast of current developments in the area of technology in electricity and electronics. The IAS enriches both its individual members and the industry as a whole through the sharing of specific industry-related solutions.
Upcoming Events
For upcoming events, please check the calendar. Use the filter to see the Chapter’s upcoming events.
Past Events
For past events, please check the calendar. Use the filter to see the Chapter’s past events.
Highlights – 2017
In 2017, the IAS Chapter has expanded its offering of excellent technical programs to 14 events, actively supporting IEEE Milestone nomination activities, and has improved in the area of Educational offerings. It has bolstered student activities. Public Affairs and Membership related goals were maintained at the same level of excellence and special additions were made. The North New Jersey Chapter worked closely together with the IEEE North Jersey PES Chapter and hosted fourteen programs with a total attendance of 626 or an average of 48 attendees per meeting. The selection of programs is on technical quality, value, and the expertise of the speaker in their given field. This is a continuation of a multi-year ongoing effort.
Highlights – 2016
In 2016, the IAS Chapter held 10 technical full-day seminars with continuing education units offered for Professional Engineer Registration requirements in both New Jersey and New York. More than 550 people attended the seminars. The chapter held three additional meetings.
Highlights – 2015
In 2015, the IAS Chapter held 12 technical full-day seminars with continuing education units offered for Professional Engineer Registration requirements in both New York and New Jersey. The chapter held one additional technical meeting. Nearly 700 persons attended the IAS Chapter activities in 2015.
Highlights – 2014
In 2014, the IAS Chapter held five one-day technical seminars. The topics for the technical seminars included: GIS Analytic Systems, Metering, Generator Protection, Bushings and Transformer Protection. The Chapter nominated a Chapter Outstanding Engineer candidate and scheduled a Life Grade Luncheon. It also participated in Senior Member Grade elevation drives and IEEE Milestone site nomination and dedication ceremonies.