2016 IEEE North Jersey Advanced Communications Symposium – Sep. 17, 2016

The 4th IEEE North Jersey Advanced Communications Symposium (NJACS) will be held at the Babbio Center, Stevens Institute of Technology, in Hoboken, NJ, on Saturday September 17, 2016. The symposium consists of four invited presentations and a parallel poster session.

The symposium program is available now [pdf], as well as the Call for Posters [pdf].

Registration for this event is required. Please check the registration page for more information.

Symposium Program

The symposium program is as follows:

09:30-10:00   Registration, Meet and Greet, Poster Set-Up
10:00-10:15 Opening Remarks
10:15-11:00 Ultra-Reliability and Low-Latency Communications in 5G: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Chong Li, Qualcomm
11:00-11:45 Technology Evolution Steps Towards 5G
Dr. Amit Mukhopadhyay, Partner, Nokia Bell Labs Consulting
11:45-13:00 Lunch and Poster Presentations
13:00-13:45 How Deep Learning Changes the World
Dr. Rensheng Wang, professor, Stevens Institute of Technology
13:45-14:30 Friend or Foe? Your Wearable Devices Reveal Your Personal PIN
Dr. Yingying Chen, professor, Stevens Institute of Technology
14:30-14:45 Poster Competition and Awards
14:45-15:00 Closing Remarks
15:00-15:30 Networking

This symposium is being organized by the IEEE North Jersey Section and its Communications, Computer, Information Theory and Vehicular Technology Chapters. The event is co-sponsored by the IEEE New Jersey Coast Section’s Communications, Computer, and AP/VT/EMC Chapters as well as the IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section’s Computer and Consumer Electronics/Communications Chapters.

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