The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the world’s largest professional association of electrical, electronics, and computer engineers. The IEEE is divided into ten worldwide geographic regions.Within the regions, there are local sections, chapters, and affinity groups. Together, these units conduct more than 10,000 meetings a year and enable both members and non-members to network and explore their technical interests as a community.

The IEEE North Jersey Section was established on May 5, 1954 and is part of IEEE Region 1. It comprises 22 IEEE Society Chapters and four Affinity Groups. The IEEE North Jersey Section comprises the following counties: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, and Union. More than 2200 IEEE members are served by the IEEE North Jersey Section and its Society Chapters and Affinity Groups. In 2021, the Section organized 174 events. Most events are open to both IEEE members and non-members.

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