Machine Learning Assisted Network Slicing for Wireless Edge Computing System

Room: M105, Bldg: Muscarelle Center, M105, , 1000 River Road , Teaneck , New Jersey, United States, 07666, Virtual: Room: M105, Bldg: Muscarelle Center, M105, , 1000 River Road , Teaneck , New Jersey, United States, 07666, Virtual:

5G and edge computing will serve various emerging use cases that have diverse requirements for multiple resources, e.g., radio, transportation, and computing. Network slicing is a promising technology for creating virtual networks that can be customized according to the requirements of different use cases. Provisioning network slices requires end-to-end resource orchestration which is challenging. This talk will discuss the challenges of end-to-end network slicing in wireless edge computing systems and present machine learning assisted network slicing solutions. First, the design of a new decentralized cross-domain resource orchestration solution will be presented. This solution optimizes the cross-domain resource orchestration while providing the performance and functional isolations among network slices. Second, a decentralized deep reinforcement learning algorithm will be designed to dynamically orchestrate resources for end-to-end network slicing. The system implementation and testbed design of the end-to-end network slicing system will also be discussed. Finally, future research directions in designing end-to-end network slicing solutions with machine learning will be shared.Co-sponsored by: North Jersey Section, Signal Processing Chapter,Speaker(s): Dr. Tao Han, Agenda: 5G and edge computing will serve various emerging use cases that have diverse requirements for multiple resources, e.g., radio, transportation, and computing. Network slicing is a promising technology for creating virtual networks that can be customized according to the requirements of different use cases. Provisioning network slices requires end-to-end resource orchestration which is challenging. This talk will discuss the challenges of end-to-end network slicing in wireless edge computing systems and present machine learning assisted network slicing solutions. First, the design of a new decentralized cross-domain resource orchestration solution will be presented. This solution optimizes the cross-domain resource orchestration while providing the performance and functional isolations among network slices. Second, a decentralized deep reinforcement learning algorithm will be designed to dynamically orchestrate resources for end-to-end network slicing. The system implementation and testbed design of the end-to-end network slicing system will also be discussed. Finally, future research directions in designing end-to-end network slicing solutions with machine learning will be shared.Room: M105, Bldg: Muscarelle Center, M105, , 1000 River Road , Teaneck , New Jersey, United States, 07666, Virtual:

The Galileo Project: In Search for Technological Interstellar Objects – IEEE SSIT Chapter Meeting

Oakton, Virginia, United States, Virtual: Oakton, Virginia, United States, Virtual:

The search for extraterrestrial life is one of the most exciting frontiers in science. First tentative clues were identified close to Earth in the form of the unusual interstellar object 'Oumuamua' and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) in the Earth's atmosphere. The recently announced "(" ushers the new frontier of "space archeology" in search of extraterrestrial technological relics. This lecture will feature content from the speaker's books "(" and textbook "(", both published in 2021, as well as material from his frequent ( by: North Jersey SSIT Chapter, Phoenix SSIT Chapter, SSIT Students Activities CommitteeSpeaker(s): Dr Avi Loeb, Oakton, Virginia, United States, Virtual: