IEEE North Jersey Section offers "Big Data Marketing Research". lists 14,177 Data, Analyst, or Marketing jobs in the New York tri-state area daily! As an engineer, you never did marketing. Getting the MBA takes two years. This is the better alternative to learn marketing.This course deals with the collection, evaluation and analysis of the big data market-related information. Topics are: market research industry, problem definition, research process, focus group, secondary database, quantitative research, questionnaire design, sampling techniques, statistical testing, bivariate and multivariate correlation, communicating results and management reports. Using IBM SPSS software, you will perform detailed big data analysis in business, cyber security, criminal justice, green technology, healthcare, finance, social services, and marketing research firms.You will receive the IEEE completion certificate and earned 2.0 IEEE CEUs (converts to 20 PDHs). In addition, you may work as a data analyst or market researcher in any organization that needs your quantitative skills. Past attendees got jobs at Amazon, Bank America, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Oracle, Verizon, and other Fortune 500 firms.Instructor: Donald Hsu, Ph.D., has been a corporate manager and CEO for 27+ years and is an experienced trainer. Since 2017, he has trained 500+ people in Management, Marketing, Global Marketing, and Marketing Research courses in seven organizations. He does international business in 90 countries.Co-sponsored by: New Jersey Institute Technology, CAS/ED, AP/MTTAgenda: - Describe the big data market research industry, problems and research process- Understand the importance of primary big data collection, secondary database, and survey- Define quantitative research, measurement technique and sampling methods for big data- Explain the questionnaire design, big data processing and statistical testing- Build the knowledge of bivariate regression and multivariate data analysis- Communicate results, manage ethical issues, and prepare reports- Employ IBM SPSS software for frequency analysis, ANOVA, T-test and others- Review real-world marketing research using Harvard Business School cases- Present final Group ProjectWHERE:Zoom or New Jersey Institute Technology, Newark, New JerseyWHEN:7 Saturdays, March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 2022 @9 am - 12 pmCOST:IEEE (& affiliate) members $500; Non-IEEE members $550.CONTACT:Donald Hsu: yanyou@hotmail.comREGISTRATION: Big Data Market ResearchPlease mail the registration form with the check (Checks payable to “North Jersey Section IEEE”) toDr. Donald Hsu, Chair Education Committee, IEEE North Jersey Section, P. O. Box 2093, Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024Name: _____________________________________________ Email address _________________________________ÿ Non-memberÿ IEEE Member Member #:_________________________ Member of _____________________________ technical societyEmployer:_______________________ Employer Address:__________________________________________________________Home Address:___________________________________Business (day) telephone #:___________________________________ Home telephone #:________________________________Please enclose required fee payable to: North Jersey Section IEEEI wish to receive the IEEE Completion Certificate Signature:___________________________________________Warren Street, Newark, New Jersey, United States