The Women in Engineering Affinity Group operates jointly with the Education Society Chapter of the IEEE New Jersey Coast Section.

See also http://webinabox.vtools.ieee.org/wibp_home/index/WE10345

Women in Engineering Officers

WE10345 (New Jersey Coast Section Affinity Group,WIE)Type: AffinityURL: https://r1.ieee.org/njcoast/wie/Officers:Fatimah ShehadehPosition: Affinity Group ChairEmail: fatimah.shehadeh@gmail.com
Neerja SharmaPosition: Affinity Group Vice ChairEmail: neerja.sharma@nyct.com
Annie O'RourkePosition: Affinity Group SecretaryEmail: aorourke60@yahoo.com
Laura RiedelPosition: Affinity Group Treasurer

Recent and upcoming events organized by this affinity group

Other Selected Events

IEEE WIE Women History Month March-2021