Celebrating Telstar Launch with Dr Iwama: 1962 and Future of Communication in this decade

Bldg: A, AT&T Science and Technology Innovation Center and Museum, 200 South Laurel Avenue , Middletown, New York, United States, 07748

Agenda: Everyone is invited to join in a Celebration with Dr Iwama, Calling all Life Members to join and to be recognized. Please indicate if you are a Life Member in the Registration response. Speakers will include Irwin Gerszberg of AT&T Labs and Dr Peter Vetter, President of Nokia Bell Labs. There will be Technical talks, Lunch, Museum Tours, a Watch Party, Cupcakes, and Cookies. Additional speakers are to be announced. Students, teachers, community members, Young Professionals... everyone is invited. There will be photographs at "The Spirit of Communication" and at the Telstar Museum Display with Leaders and Luminaries. Please send a PowerPoint Message for the occasion to be displayed around the building and to become part of the Event Playlist. Bldg: A, AT&T Science and Technology Innovation Center and Museum, 200 South Laurel Avenue , Middletown, New York, United States, 07748

Prioritizing Societal and Ethical Concerns with Responsible AI

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/422941

Abstract: Members of IEEE have been involved in the development of artificial intelligence since its inception. Since 2015 there has been a great effort to develop ethical guidelines for AI in the IEEE, leading to a series of documents on Ethically Aligned Design for Intelligent and Autonomous Systems, including analysis of ethically aligned design for business and education. In addition to these analysis and policy documents, IEEE's Standards Association has created a series of standards for the ethical use of AI, the 7000 standard series. These standards have influenced international AI and ethics public policy, including a Digital Services Framework Based on the Rights Principles for Children. In this talk we will look at IEEE's efforts in promoting and defining ethical design with AI and its applications in advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Speaker: Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a digital storage analyst and business and technology consultant. He has more than 40 years in the data storage industry with engineering and senior management positions at several companies. An IEEE Life Fellow, Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents. He is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which is now in its second edition with Springer. Tom is a regular storage and memory contributor for forbes.com and media and entertainment organizations. Coughlin Associates consults and publishes books and market and technology reports, including The Media and Entertainment Storage Report and an Emerging Memory Report, and puts on digital storage-oriented events. Tom has served in numerous IEEE volunteer leadership roles, including President of IEEE-USA, Director of IEEE Region 6, Vice President and Board member of the IEEE Consumer Technology Society, Chair of the Santa Clara Valley IEEE Section, and Chair of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley. He is also active with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) and the Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers (SMPTE). Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/422941

New Space Economy: The Rise of Small Satellites

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/422563

TALK ABSTRACT: Recent technological advances enabled low cost small satellite development and launch services which gave rise to the new space economy. Democratizing access to space feeds innovation and bolsters economic development taking the market away from a few large corporations and allowing smaller businesses to compete and thrive. In this talk, the process of creating a space corporation in Maine with examples of space based applications and research and development projects will be presented. Audience will learn more about opportunities and pitfalls in this new era. Speaker(s): Dr. Ali Abedi Agenda: Recent technological advances enabled low cost small satellite development and launch services which gave rise to the new space economy. Democratizing access to space feeds innovation and bolsters economic development taking the market away from a few large corporations and allowing smaller businesses to compete and thrive. In this talk, the process of creating a space corporation in Maine with examples of space based applications and research and development projects will be presented. Audience will learn more about opportunities and pitfalls in this new era. Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/422563

IEEE SSIT Lecture: Automating Empathy in Human-AI Partnerships: Issues, Ethics and Governance

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415613

Prof Andrew McStay (Bangor University, UK) will present “Automating Empathy in Human-AI Partnerships: Issues, Ethics and Governance” at 6pm (UTC+1) / 1pm EDT on 10 September ’24. Click (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=IEEE+SSIT+Lecture%3A+Automating+Empathy+in+Human-AI+Partnerships%3A+Issues%2C+Ethics+and+Governance&iso=20240910T18&p1=78&ah=1). (https://www.ieee-ukandireland.org/chapters/society-on-social-implications-of-technology/) and SSIT IST-Africa SIGHT are cooperating with a number of IEEE OUs including: North Jersey Section SSIT Chapter; Northern Virginia/Baltimore/Washington SSIT Chapter; Bahrain Section SSIT Chapter; Vancouver Section Jt. Chapter,TEM14/PC26/E25/SIT30; New Jersey Coast Section SIGHT; New Jersey Coast Section Jt. IM/Computer Society Chapter; Southeastern Michigan Section Computer Chapter; North Jersey Section: TEMS Chapter, Computer Chapter, Jt APS/MTT Chapter, WIE AG and SIGHT and (https://www.ieee-ukandireland.org/chapters/computer-society/) to organise this SSIT Lecture as a joint Webinar on 10 September ’24. Registration IEEE and SSIT Members as well as non-IEEE Members are invited to (https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415613) and participate. IEEE Members should include their IEEE Membership Number when registering. Access to online Meeting (https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415613) will be provided with the link prior to the event. Guest Lecture Focus This lecture considers General-Purpose Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) products marketed as ‘empathic partners’, ‘personal AI’, ‘co-pilots’, ‘assistants’, and related phrasing for ‘human-AI partnering’. Open AI, Inflection, Google, Microsoft, and others, all promise empathic capacities. Current and nascent domains of use include work, therapy, education, life coaching, legal problems, fitness, and entertainment. The lecture focuses on the risks and opportunities of empathic human-AI partnering, what new governance (if any) is required, and the role that soft law standards may play in leading in supporting hard law. To explore empathic human-AI partnering, the lecture will initially provide historical context to these technologies, case examples, and a sense of current governance for technologies used to empathise. With this understanding in place, the lecture will progress to consider need to contrast upstream and downstream understandings of GPAI, complexities of this separation for governance, balancing of short and long-term risks, social and ethical questions unique to empathic human-AI partnering, issues of global cultural variation regarding empathic human-AI partnering, balancing of interests of ethical diversity and unity in creation of soft law and standards, and lessons that can be learned from existing and nascent P7000 standards. Speaker(s): Prof. Andrew McStay, Agenda: 18:00 (UTC+1) / 13:00 (EDT) Welcome and Introduction to Guest Speaker 18:05 Lecture 18:45 Questions and Discussions Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415613