Week of Events
Fuel Cells – Bloom Energy
Fuel Cells – Bloom Energy
NOTICE - This session will be paid for by the North Jersey Section PES as a courtesy to our members and prospective members during these challenging times of COVID-19. There will be no charge for participation and Continuing Education Unit credits.This session is being offered as a GoToMeeting (details below).The seminar will cover:Fuel Cells- Introduction to Bloomenergy- Overview solid oxide fuel cell technology- Discussion of key applications for fuel cells- Review fuel cell participation in microgrids- A word about hydrogen- Wrap-up and Q&ASpeaker(s): Marshall Tsien, Agenda: Two hours of instruction will be provided.This session is being offered as a GoToMeeting:https://meet.goto.com/439901925You must register through VTools in advance in order to receive your CEU Certificate. PLEASE NOTE: Your certificate will go to the email address you use to register through VTools and will have your name exactly as you enter it when registering. It will come from “IEEE Certificate ” Please make sure this address is in your safe senders list. If you have any problems with receipt of your CEU Certificates, please contact [email protected] check your GoToMeeting connection in advance as there will be no support available.Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/307702