Week of Events
Apples to apples 5G network benchmarking
Apples to apples 5G network benchmarking
-This webinar is focused on: (1) The comparable network benchmarking methodology, (2)The impact of real-time interactive applications,(3) the Comparison of results with last year's campaign, and (4) the Reasons and root causes-For login information and password, please register by clicking the online link: (https://smc-link.s4hana.ondemand.com/eu/data-buffer/sap/public/cuan/link/100/9622379A7541E2F921124AB508EED45D5A992B7A?_V_=2&_K11_=8714A8A8639B35012B7F9854D1ADED419BF30E80&_L54AD1F204_=c2NlbmFyaW89TUxDUEcmdGVuYW50PW15MzAyMDM5LnM0aGFuYS5vbmRlbWFuZC5jb20mdGFyZ2V0PWh0dHBzOi8vZXZlbnQub24yNC5jb20vd2NjL3IvMzcwNzM0NS9BNjQ3NUZGRkI3MEYwMzU0NTc4NkY3NUREQzNGQUU5RC8zNjE0NjcxP3BhcnRuZXJyZWY9bmFfbTRjX3dibnJhcHBsZXM&_K13_=368&_K14_=9e6c7f694d9bc91910a9fd2edfcd8104a3a851968cb0ccc64939410bd159ca2d)Co-sponsored by: IEEE North Jersey SectionSpeaker(s): Nils Posegga, Michael ThelanderAgenda: Title: Apples to apples 5G network benchmarking -one year later (North America/Europe)Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2022Time: 12:00 PM EDTDuration: 1 hourFor login information and password, please register by clicking the online link: (https://smc-link.s4hana.ondemand.com/eu/data-buffer/sap/public/cuan/link/100/9622379A7541E2F921124AB508EED45D5A992B7A?_V_=2&_K11_=8714A8A8639B35012B7F9854D1ADED419BF30E80&_L54AD1F204_=c2NlbmFyaW89TUxDUEcmdGVuYW50PW15MzAyMDM5LnM0aGFuYS5vbmRlbWFuZC5jb20mdGFyZ2V0PWh0dHBzOi8vZXZlbnQub24yNC5jb20vd2NjL3IvMzcwNzM0NS9BNjQ3NUZGRkI3MEYwMzU0NTc4NkY3NUREQzNGQUU5RC8zNjE0NjcxP3BhcnRuZXJyZWY9bmFfbTRjX3dibnJhcHBsZXM&_K13_=368&_K14_=9e6c7f694d9bc91910a9fd2edfcd8104a3a851968cb0ccc64939410bd159ca2d)Bldg: Virtual , Virtual Technical Webinar Meeting, Virtual, New Jersey, United States
Future of Antenna Design Procedures and Characteristic Mode Analysis
Future of Antenna Design Procedures and Characteristic Mode Analysis
Microstrip antennas are in massive demand for several emerging applications such as biomedical devices, ultrawideband communication devices, radar applications, etc. Microstrip antennas are inherently narrowband and low gain antennas. Since their inception, various methods have been introduced to improve them. Most of the methods depend on the software that needs unlimited optimization runs, which increases the antenna design's computation cost. Theory of Characteristic Modes (TCM) is the powerful analysis technique that made antenna structure easy to understand and comprehend. As it gives physical insight into the antenna's structure, the analysis and design of the antenna may not need many optimization cycles. It was first introduced in the 1970s, but it was not till 2007 that this method hit the modern world again for planar antenna design. The reason behind the unmatched success of this method was the details it gives about the surface current behavior of the antenna in a user-friendly manner. Since then, CMA (Characteristic Mode Analysis) has been successfully applied to analyze planar structures and helps design and improve specific characteristics of antennas. Most of my research focused on designing and optimizing the UWB antennas using CMA. CMA can fully illustrate antenna structure with a finite number of resonant modes. Hence, it has the potential of simplifying complicated and tedious antenna design procedures.This talk will focus on the following: (a) Can characteristic modes analysis define the future of antenna design procedures by helping to reduce the complexity of antenna design procedure? (b) the possibilities of producing the compact and efficient antenna design using characteristic modes. (c) how surface currents can be controlled to produce optimized antenna designs.Speaker(s): Dr. Mahrukh Khan, Ph.D., Agenda: Dinner - Pizza and Water/Soda Talk followed by Q&ARutgers Busch Student Center Policy:Event Protocol (COVID Vaccination or Negative PCR Test)Rutgers University requires all non-Rutgers affiliated participants provide proof of vaccination or negative PCR test <72 hours before event.Be ready to show this at check-in. Does NOT apply to Rutgers-affiliated attendees or currently-enrolled students, staff, and faculty.Be prepared to wear a mask, however we expect by 4/26/22 this mandate to be lifted.Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/310792
IEEE SIGHT Day: Future of Antenna Design Procedures and Characteristic Mode Analysis
IEEE SIGHT Day: Future of Antenna Design Procedures and Characteristic Mode Analysis
Celebrate IEEE SIGHT Day with Dr Mahrukh Khan, PhD of The College of New Jersey with IEEE NJ Coast SIGHT Group and IEEE PACE.Today's researchers will innovate and create the future to improve communication and bridge the digital divide for everyone consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Be inspired to be part of the potential for the future advances of technology for humanity.Microstrip antennas are in massive demand for several emerging applications such as biomedical devices, ultrawideband communication devices, radar applications, etc. Microstrip antennas are inherently narrowband and low gain antennas. Since their inception, various methods have been introduced to improve them. Most of the methods depend on the software that needs unlimited optimization runs, which increases the antenna design's computation cost. Theory of Characteristic Modes (TCM) is the powerful analysis technique that made antenna structure easy to understand and comprehend. As it gives physical insight into the antenna's structure, the analysis and design of the antenna may not need many optimization cycles. It was first introduced in the 1970s, but it was not till 2007 that this method hit the modern world again for planar antenna design. The reason behind the unmatched success of this method was the details it gives about the surface current behavior of the antenna in a user-friendly manner. Since then, CMA (Characteristic Mode Analysis) has been successfully applied to analyze planar structures and helps design and improve specific characteristics of antennas. Most of my research focused on designing and optimizing the UWB antennas using CMA. CMA can fully illustrate antenna structure with a finite number of resonant modes. Hence, it has the potential of simplifying complicated and tedious antenna design procedures.This talk will focus on the following: (a) Can characteristic modes analysis define the future of antenna design procedures by helping to reduce the complexity of antenna design procedure? (b) the possibilities of producing the compact and efficient antenna design using characteristic modes. (c) how surface currents can be controlled to produce optimized antenna designs.Speaker(s): Dr. Mahrukh Khan, Ph.D., Agenda: All Cars MUST be registered in Rutger's Parking System with Plate #, Style, Make and Color before the event: https://rudots.nupark.com/v2/portal/eventregister/412d54bc-9c58-4bdd-a780-f4f376e142f0#/events/registration/Any car NOT registered may get a ticket! Visitors may park in Lots 51, 59, 60B & 67. Rutger's Faculty, Staff, and Students must park only in lots they are authorized to park in.Dinner - Pizza and Water/Soda Talk followed by Q&ARutgers Busch Student Center Policy:Event Protocol (COVID Vaccination or Negative PCR Test)Rutgers University requires all non-Rutgers affiliated participants provide proof of vaccination or negative PCR test <72 hours before event.Be ready to show this at check-in. Does NOT apply to Rutgers-affiliated attendees or currently-enrolled students, staff, and faculty.Face Coverings/Masks in-doors are mostly optional. See link: https://coronavirus.rutgers.edu/health-and-safety/community-safety-practices/Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/312615
2022 IEEE North Jersey Section Awards Banquet
2022 IEEE North Jersey Section Awards Banquet
Dear Members of the North Jersey Section,The IEEE North Jersey Section is pleased to announce its annual "Awards Banquet Event" to be held on Sunday, May 1st, 2022 at the Birchwood Manor, in Whippany, New Jersey, from 3 pm until 6 pm.The event is meant to appreciate and honor the newly elevated Fellows in our Section, as well as the recipients of technical and other major IEEE awards, IEEE Region-1 Awards, and IEEE Section Awards. It is also a great opportunity to relax, unwind and enjoy the company of all members and non-members at the banquet.As we missed having this annual event during the years 2020 and 2021, this year we will take the opportunity to honor all the award recipients and Fellows of the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday, May 1st, 2022.Please use the registration link to make your reservation.Registration is required for all attendees by completing the name, address, and e-mail entries on the form.Spouses and guests are welcome. (Please register each guest separately)For more information, please contactIEEE North Jersey Section Chair: Ajay Poddar (akpoddar@ieee.org)IEEE North Jersey Section Secretary: Adriaan J. van Wijngaarden (avw@ieee.org)Date: 01 May 2022Time: 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (All times are US/Eastern)Address: (https://www.birchwoodmanor.com/), (https://www.google.com/maps/place/111+N+Jefferson+Rd,+Whippany,+NJ+07981/@40.843592,-74.4252376,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c3a7eba9f99a85:0x9b954cbde5eb018e!8m2!3d40.843588!4d-74.4230436?hl=en&authuser=0)Agenda: The event is meant to appreciate and honor the newly elevated Fellows in our Section, as well as the recipients of technical and other major IEEE awards, IEEE Region-1 Awards, and IEEE Section Awards.3:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Welcome to the arriving guests3:30 PM - 4:30 PM - Dinner4:30 PM - 5:30 PM - Awards Ceremony5:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Coffee/DessertsTickets/Fees applicable as follows:EXCOM members plus one guest attend freeAward Recipients plus one guest attend for freeInvited IEEE dignitaries plus one guest attend for freeChildren under age 18 attend for free (advance registration is required for all).$15 for IEEE student members (Discounted Rate)$35 for non-EXCOM members and additional guests$50 for non-IEEE membersThe capacity of the location is limited, so please make your reservations early.Payments can be made by paying at the gate on the day of the event.Bldg: Birchwood Manor, 111 North Jefferson Road, Whippany, New Jersey, United States, 07981