Week of Events
Challenges and Opportunities in Beyond-5G and 6G Communication
Challenges and Opportunities in Beyond-5G and 6G Communication
As 5G NR is being rolled out, research effort is being focused on the evolution of what is to come in the post-5G era. In order to meet the diverse requirements of future wireless communication in terms of increased capacity and reduced latency, technologies such as distributed massive MIMO, sub-mm-wave, and terahertz spectrum become technology components of interest. This talk about some of the important opportunities these technologies bring and the challenges faced by the microwave and wireless communication communities.Please click the link for registration for attending the webinar: ((https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3904437/5BBA86F8169BF7CB93F42BFC8BD6B312))Co-sponsored by: IEEE North Jersey SectionSpeaker(s): Dr. Ulf Gustavsson, Agenda: Please click the link for registration for attending the webinar: ((https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3904437/5BBA86F8169BF7CB93F42BFC8BD6B312))Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/323688
Exploring and Exploiting High-dimensional Phenomena in Statistical Learning and Inference
Exploring and Exploiting High-dimensional Phenomena in Statistical Learning and Inference
The massive datasets being compiled by our society present new challenges and opportunities to the field of statistical learning and inference. The increasing dimensionality of modern datasets lead to unique geometric and probabilistic phenomena, including scaling limits, phase transitions, and universality. A deeper understanding and clever exploitation of such fascinating (and sometimes counter-intuitive) high-dimensional phenomena can translate to both theoretical breakthroughs and novel algorithms.In this talk, I will present several lines of recent work on signal estimation and multilayer neural networks where such high-dimensional phenomena are explored and exploited.Co-sponsored by: Fairleigh Dickinson UniversitySpeaker(s): Dr. Yue M. Lu, Agenda: The massive datasets being compiled by our society present new challenges and opportunities to the field of statistical learning and inference. The increasing dimensionality of modern datasets lead to unique geometric and probabilistic phenomena, including scaling limits, phase transitions, and universality. A deeper understanding and clever exploitation of such fascinating (and sometimes counter-intuitive) high-dimensional phenomena can translate to both theoretical breakthroughs and novel algorithms.In this talk, I will present several lines of recent work on signal estimation and multilayer neural networks where such high-dimensional phenomena are explored and exploited.Room: M105, Bldg: Muscarelle Center, M105, , 1000 River Road , Teaneck , New Jersey, United States, 07666, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/319524
Internet of Things: Applications, Enablers, Security
Internet of Things: Applications, Enablers, Security
The Internet is an open distributed network, used daily for many online services: to communicate, find information, do transactions, and be entertained. This very openness poses some vulnerabilities, allowing attacks such as ID theft, denial of service, industrial espionage, and extortion.Internet of Things (IoT) is the most disruptive event in communications since the advent of the internet in the 1980s. With IoT, it is anticipated that billions of objects will be connected to the Internet in the next few years, thus potentially creating additional challenging security and privacy issues.The objective of this talk is to provide an overview of IoT and its related security issues. Typical IoT applications will be presented. Also, some potential solutions, safeguards, and defenses will be offered.Co-sponsored by: Hosted by New Jersey Coast Section ComSoc Chapter. Cosponsored by: New York Section, North Jersey Section, Buffalo Section, Chicago Section and Washington Section ComSoc Chapters.Speaker(s): Dr. Manu Malek, Agenda: 1. Introduction of Dr. Manu Malek.2. Technical Presentation by Dr. Manu Malek.3. Q&AVirtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/321071
IEEE NJACS-2022: 10th Annual IEEE North Jersey Advanced Communications Symposium (Theme: AI and Deep Learning) (Zoom)
IEEE NJACS-2022: 10th Annual IEEE North Jersey Advanced Communications Symposium (Theme: AI and Deep Learning) (Zoom)
The 10th Annual IEEE North Jersey Advanced Communications Symposium (NJACS-2022) will be held online (Zoom), on Saturday, September 17, 2022. The symposium consists of several keynote presentations. The symposium program will cover advanced topics in AI, big data, machine learning, deep learning, and applications.Registration Required:https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/320639Conference Room:Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 506 875 4099Symposium Program01:00-01:10PMWelcome RemarksDr. Adriaan van Wijngaarden, Nokia Bell LabsAmit Patel, IEEE North Jersey ComSoc Chapter01:10-01:15PMOpening Remarks - Deep Reinforcement LearningProf. Yu-Dong Yao, Stevens Institute of Technology01:15-02:00PMAir Force Information Warfare in the Age of AI/MLDr. Paul Ratazzi, Air Force Research Laboratory02:00-02:45PMMachine Learning Assisted Network SlicingProf. Tao Han, NJIT02:45-03:30PMTBDTBD03:30-04:15PMTBDTBD04:15-04:30PMClosing RemarksDr. Adriaan van Wijngaarden, Nokia Bell LabsRegistrationIEEE member $ 00.00Non-member $ 00.00IEEE Student/Graduate Student/Life Member $ 00.00Non-IEEE Student/Graduate Student $ 00.00This event has limited seating and registration is required. Will close once the event reaches capacity.CEUs (continuing education units) are available for this event with a separate fee of $5.00. Please pay $5.00 when registering and then contact (https://webmailb.netzero.net/webmail/new/21?folder=Inbox&msgNum=0000h6W0:001TQJkI00000wJD&count=1567256195&randid=1264082998&attachId=0&isUnDisplayableMail=yes&blockImages=1&randid=1264082998#) for additional information about CEU certificates.This symposium is being organized by the IEEE North Jersey Section and its Communications, Computer, Information Theory and Vehicular Technology Chapters. Technical support is provided by IEEE METSAC.Organizing CommitteeSymposium Chair Adriaan van Wijngaarden, Nokia Bell LabsOrganization Chair Amit Patel, IEEE North Jersey ComSoc ChapterProgram Chair Yu-Dong Yao, Stevens Institute of TechnologyProgram Co-Chair Hong Zhao, Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityProgram Co-ChairRegistration ChairCherif Chibane, IEEE North Jersey Aerospace ChapterMichael Newell, IEEE North Jersey SectionAgenda: 1) 50% Discount code (FUTURE50) is valid for "New" student members as well as "Renewal" of student membership. 50% discount is valid for ALL students regardless of their affiliations to ANY IEEE sections.2) IF you are becoming a BRAND NEW student member in the NORTH JERSEY Section, then the remaining 50% of student membership fee for new student members will be reimbursed by the North Jersey Section (see reimbursement steps below).3) If a student wants to join AP society in addition to IEEE, student membership will be reimbursed by the AP-S membership drive-through support of the North Jersey Section for the AP society student membership (see reimbursement steps below).4) There is for STUDENTS, a limited time MTT Society Membership fee of ONLY $1.5) There is for any IEEE members, free enrollment offered by Computer Society, Nano Technology and SIGHT.6) What do you have to do ? Students can send via email the scanned paid receipt to our treasurer (Prof. Avimnayou Vatsa, avatsa@fdu.edu) for reimbursement (and CC: (https://webmailb.netzero.net/webmail/new/21?folder=Inbox&msgNum=0000h6W0:001TQJkI00000wJD&count=1567256195&randid=1264082998&attachId=0&isUnDisplayableMail=yes&blockImages=1&randid=1264082998#)7) Please try to do ASAP for the IEEE 2022 renewal cycle, best if done before Oct 30.Bldg: Zoom, Hoboken, New Jersey, United States