Week of Events
RF Fundamentals-Full Day Seminar
RF Fundamentals-Full Day Seminar
-RF Fundamental Seminar DescriptionA full day of RF training covers the basic concepts of signal and transmission characteristics and continues all the way to complex modulations, measurements, and debug techniques.- Basic RF and signal characteristics- Transmission characteristics and modulation- IQ Signal representation and constellation diagram- Essential measurement steps- Register Now](https://smc-link.s4hana.ondemand.com/eu/data-buffer/sap/public/cuan/link/100/A406934DCCC1CC28DAE44C6D8CD746004836AE4A?_V_=2&_K11_=008F144A6793F499B917C8E17541FB072D6C1C04&_L54AD1F204_=c2NlbmFyaW89TUxDUEcmdGVuYW50PW15MzAyMDM5LnM0aGFuYS5vbmRlbWFuZC5jb20mdGFyZ2V0PWh0dHBzOi8vZXZlbnRzLnJvaGRlLXNjaHdhcnouY29tL3Byb2ZpbGUvZm9ybS9pbmRleC5jZm0%2FUEtmb3JtSUQ9MHgyMTA1M2FiY2Qmc291cmNlPW00YyZ1dG1fc291cmNlPVNBUEh5YnJpcyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJnV0bV9jYW1wYWlnbj0xMjIzMiZ1dG1fdGVybT0yMDIyMTFfTkFfSUNSX1NtbnJJbnZfUkZGdW5fU29tZXJzZXRfX18lMjZuYnNwJTNCUmVnaXN0ZXIlMjBOb3dfX18zODkmdXRtX2NvbnRlbnQ9RU4&_K13_=398&_K14_=5ec118810eaa573256a52866216e55081049c46761925496bce98c5d5169a3c6)Co-sponsored by: IEEE North Jersey SectionAgenda: Agenda9:00 AM - 12:00 PM- Introduction to RF- RF Transmission Characteristics12:00 PM - 1:00 PM- Lunch complementary1:00 PM - 4:00 PM- Signals: Models, Phase Noise, Harmonics, and Spurious- Modulation, IQ Representation, Constellation DiagramsBldg: 200 , DoubleTree Somerset, Atrium Dr. , Somerset, New Jersey, United States, 08873
Compact and efficient automotive radar sensor testing
Compact and efficient automotive radar sensor testing
Testing automotive radar sensors' function and performance is a continual process during development and certification. Historically, accurately quantifying parameters such as angular and range resolution and accuracy, required considerable investment in test resources, involving bulky, expensive, and inflexible systems. Now, a new approach is available to radar sensor developers which offers a low barrier to ownership, can be customized exactly to current needs, and is fully expandable to future requirements. Join this webinar to find out how the capabilities of the game-changing, fully-electronic R&S radar test system can be utilized in a physically-compact benchtop form defining a new level of cost efficiency whilst expandable to encompass any future radar object simulation scenario.In this webinar, the following topics will be discussed:- Automotive radar sensor technology trends such as MIMO- Test considerations for object simulation- The possibilities of benchtop radar sensor development- Practical demonstration of automotive radar testingCo-sponsored by: IEEE North Jersey SectionSpeaker(s): Andreas Ibl, Jeremy CarpenterAgenda: (https://smc-link.s4hana.ondemand.com/eu/data-buffer/sap/public/cuan/link/100/6A24A75B260205FEF9C52F854BC73694C9BD33AA?_V_=2&_K11_=4776155996CA92B7E04EBAF148B84324542B917F&_L54AD1F204_=c2NlbmFyaW89TUxDUEcmdGVuYW50PW15MzAyMDM5LnM0aGFuYS5vbmRlbWFuZC5jb20mdGFyZ2V0PWh0dHBzOi8vZXZlbnQub24yNC5jb20vd2NjL3IvMzkwNzQ2Mi85Q0VDOUE0NjYwRjZENTNGRDI4RDMyNjVCNDUzNjY2Mi80MDU0MjEwP3BhcnRuZXJyZWY9bmFfbTRjMTAxMl9f&_K13_=398&_K14_=639bd81d9d428438585f60f145629c540fc087b101d8361205b0c0588ebec684)Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/327373
IEEE North Jersey Section EXCOM – Zoom Meeting 6:30 PM November 2nd, 2022
IEEE North Jersey Section EXCOM – Zoom Meeting 6:30 PM November 2nd, 2022
The IEEE North Jersey Section's Executive Committee (EXCOM) monthly meeting will be held ONLINE using Zoom.The EXCOM meeting starts at 6:30 pm EST and typically ends at 8:30 pm.The meeting is meant to discuss and coordinate the activities of the Section and its Chapters and Groups, as well as new initiatives.Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting.Please register in advance for this meeting using vTools.You can change/cancel the registration if your plans change.For more information, please contact our IEEE North Jersey Section Chair Ajay Poddar (akpoddar@ieee.org), or Secretary, Adriaan van Wijngaarden, (avw@ieee.org).Zoom meeting information:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89067811667Meeting ID: 890 6781 1667Note: If you are unable to join the meeting, please send your chapter activity report to the section chair at akpoddar@ieee.org.Co-sponsored by: IEEE North Jersey SectionAgenda: 06:30 pm - 06:45 pm Networking06:45 pm - 08:30 pm IEEE North Jersey Section Executive Committee MeetingThe meeting agenda typically includes news related to the IEEE and the IEEE North Jersey Section, Secretary and Treasurer Reports, Chapter and Affinity Group Reports, Committee Reports, and reports by various Chairs and Representatives, Committee Chairs, and planning, and new initiatives.Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/328106
VDL – Connecting Space Assets to the Internet: Challenges and Solutions
VDL – Connecting Space Assets to the Internet: Challenges and Solutions
Data communications between Earth and devices on spacecraft, such as satellites, have traditionally been carried out through dedicated links. Shared links using Internet Protocol-based communication offers a number of advantages over dedicated links. The movement of devices on spacecrafts however gives rise to mobility management issues.This talk will discuss various mobility management solutions for extending the Internet connection to devices on the spacecraft. The talk will provide an overview of the network layer based solution being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force and compare it with the transport layer-based solution that has been developed at the University of Oklahoma in conjunction with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Network in motion is an extension of the host mobility protocols for managing the mobility of networks which are in motion, such as those in airplanes and trains. The application of networks in motion will be illustrated for terrestrial and space environments.Speaker(s): Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Ph.D, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/328500