Week of Events
MakeNJIT Hackathon
The 2024 MakeNJIT Hardware Hackathon is coming soon to the New Jersey Institute of Technology! Check in starting at 8:00 AM, with checking ending at 9:00AM on April 13th, participants will have a full 24 hours to showcase their creativity and innovation. To register, simply fill out the form provided. Once you submit your responses, you will receive an email with further instructions to join our official Discord server. Here and by email, you will find out more about the competition rubric, constraints, and theme. We can't wait to see all the amazing projects that come out of the event. Good luck and have fun! See the Make NJIT website for more details: https://www.ieee.njit.edu/hackathon Co-sponsored by: IEEE NJIT Student Branch 153 Warren St Room #104, Newark, New York, United States, 07103
Make NJIT Hackathon
About MAKE NJIT Get ready to unleash your creativity and dive into the world of hardware hacking at the MAKE NJIT Hackathon hosted annually by IEEE at NJIT! This event is the perfect opportunity for participants to let their imagination run wild and design amazing hardware projects that promote Environmental Monitoring and Smart City Infrastructure. We challenge you to put your skills to the test and come up with innovative projects using the provided resources. Whether you're a seasoned hacker or a curious newcomer, MAKE NJIT is the perfect platform to showcase your talent and passion for hardware hacking. So join us on April 13th & 14th for an unforgettable weekend of hacking, learning, and building. More information about: https://www.ieee.njit.edu/hackathon More information about: (https://futurenetworks.ieee.org/) NJIT, Newark, New York, United States
MakeNJIT Hardware Hackathon 2024
The NJIT IEEE Student Branch is proud to present the annual MakeNJIT hardware hackathon, taking place on April 13-14, 2024. As a student-led organization committed to advancing technology and promoting innovation in the engineering community, we are thrilled to host this exciting event that will challenge participants to showcase their skills in hardware development and software. ***CANCELED*** Bldg: Makerspace, 323 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Newark, New Jersey, United States, 07102
Microwave Sensors and Nano-Materials Interactions for Emerging Sensing and Communication Applications
Microwave Sensors and Nano-Materials Interactions for Emerging Sensing and Communication Applications
This talk primarily focuses on integrating cutting-edge nanomaterials and polymers into planar microwave structures, a strategy promising considerable sensor technology advancements. These materials, characterized by their unique properties, have the potential to significantly enhance the sensitivity, selectivity, and resolution of microwave sensors. Such enhancements enable these sensors to effectively function within the high-frequency, high-bandwidth landscape of emerging 5G and 6G applications. Co-sponsored by: IEEE North Jersey Section Speaker(s): Mohammad Hossein Zarifi Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/415841
Professor Shlomi Dolev: Post Quantum Internet
Professor Shlomi Dolev: Post Quantum Internet
[] Prof. Shlomi Dolev, Executive Director of the BGU-Negev Hi-Tech Faculty Startup Accelerator, will present on Post Quantum Internet. The need for a post-quantum Internet is emerging, and this is a great opportunity to re-examine the legacy of public key infrastructure. There is a need for perspective on the evolution of cryptography over the years, including the perfect information-theoretical secure schemes and the computationally secure schemes, in particular. There is also a need to examine the evolving Internet infrastructure to identify efficient design and secure cryptographic schemes over the existing Internet infrastructure. A combination of overlay security, blockchain, and Merkle trees with Lamport’s signatures offers just such an easily implementable post-quantum Internet over the existing Internet. The talk will cover recent research that resulted in start-ups creation initiatives, including Secret Double Octopus, SecretSkyDB, SodsBC. Speaker(s): Prof. Shlomi Dolev, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/414083
360 Mentoring – Organic Fertilizer for your Engineering Journey to Grow and Flourish. Talk at Stevens institute of Technology Co-Sponsored by Employment network and WIE.
360 Mentoring – Organic Fertilizer for your Engineering Journey to Grow and Flourish. Talk at Stevens institute of Technology Co-Sponsored by Employment network and WIE.
Abstract for 360 Mentoring talk: Plants appear to grow effortlessly all around us except in Deserts and Rocks. But, when you try to grow them, you face a lot of challenges, even to maintain established trees. I bought my house with 17 productive fruit trees, none left now. Who attends to them in the forest? Animals, birds, insects and even “other plants” help the forest thrive. Growing and maintaining Careers is the same thing. Just getting a degree, landing a job, and executing assignments does not guarantee a successful career. A lot of nurturing goes into it. Many who have become successful will often give credit to their mentors for many of their accomplishments. This presentation will attempt to offer an insight into finding and making the most of mentors throughout your Engineering Journey. Topics: 1. Engineering Journey 2. Plants Vs Mentoring 3. Influencers of your Journey – Sponsors Vs Mentors, Who are Influencers ? 4. Mentoring 360 Concept 5. Challenges faced by College Students 6. Different types of Mentors for Students 7. Rules of the Game for Student Mentees 8. Summer Internship Basics 9. Making the most of Internships 10.360 Mentoring Summary and Conclusion Co-sponsored by: Anisha Apte Speaker(s): Chitra Bldg: Gateway South 122, Hoboken, New Jersey, United States
The Increasing Threats Of State Sponsored Cyberattacks Webinar
The Increasing Threats Of State Sponsored Cyberattacks Webinar
Special Presentation by Junaid Islam Hosted by the Future Networks INGR Security and Privacy Working Group Date/Time: Friday, April 12th, 2024 @ 10am CDT / 11am EDT Talk Title: The Increasing Threats Of State Sponsored Cyberattacks Short Bio: Junaid Islam has 35 years of experience in secure communications. His protocols, algorithms and architectures have been incorporated into a broad range of commercial and US national security networks. Junaid began his career in the late 80s as an Expeditionary Communications Technician. In the 90s he developed the first implementation of Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption (MLPP) for US Department of Defense C2 applications using Frame Relay at StrataCom. At Cisco Junaid contributed to the priority queuing and buffer management for MPLS routing. Junaid next developed the first working Mobile IPv6 client to enable fast hand-off as well as IPv6 address scrambling for high side networks for the DoD’s Netcentric Warfare program. Most recently Junaid developed the first network-based Zero Trust Architecture using Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) which was adopted by NIST for their Zero Trust specification 800-207. Currently Junaid is developing new protocols for secure Smart City applications such as Energy and Transportation systems. Additionally Junaid also developed a new packet scheduling algorithm for wireless communications that integrates priority, network load and RF interference data. This new algorithm will be incorporated by NASA to enable multi-hop space communications. https://junaidislam.org/ Co-sponsored by: IEEE Future Networks Speaker(s): Junaid Islam Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/416815
PPPEAC Meeting, Lab Tour at Rowan Univ., and PELS Distinguished Lecture “Modern Power Conversion Solutions – From Electric Power Grids to Aerospace Power Applications” by Brandon Grainger, University of Pittsburgh.
PPPEAC Meeting, Lab Tour at Rowan Univ., and PELS Distinguished Lecture “Modern Power Conversion Solutions – From Electric Power Grids to Aerospace Power Applications” by Brandon Grainger, University of Pittsburgh.
Save the date! (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=e159e215fb&e=190a0955fb) is hosting the next IEEE PELS/IAS Chapter meeting on April 12th in Glassboro, NJ. Event highlights include: - Overview by ECE Department Head of the Rowan (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=5b060f9d9f&e=190a0955fb). - A walking lab tour of (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=b44d553963&e=190a0955fb) - (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=16f9c5fa7c&e=190a0955fb) about Modern Power Conversion Solutions – From Electric Power Grids to Aerospace Power Applications by Brandon Grainger, University of Pittsburgh. The talk continues our theme at the meeting in September, (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=e2176878f3&e=190a0955fb), which was published in the (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=c25094653c&e=190a0955fb), and includes a picture of everyone who made it to this sold-out event In-person guests will need to register using the Eventbrite. We have reduced the fee to $6, but it is non-refundable this time. The fee will be used to subsidize the Eventbrite service fees, travel expenses for the invited speaker, feeding guests, etc. Each chapter event is a fiscal loss for us, the paid registration discourages no shows and limits our losses. Virtual guests can attend for free with the help of our neighbor (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=c942b1b0ac&e=190a0955fb) who will be moderating. Click the link below to register (required) and schedule a calendar invite. Parking Information and Location for Rowan University: Educational Credits- We have had numerous requests to offer CEU and PEH credits at our events. At the end of the event contact Fei Lui (fei.lu@drexel.edu), where you will be asked to complete an evaluation form. Credits are being offered to in-person guests. Arrival- Visitors can park for free in Lot D, which is next to Engineering Hall (Building 10). Meeting is taking place in Rowan Hall Auditorium (Building 9) as highlighted in the bottom of the announcement, as taken from the (https://magna-power.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e2fe0e8d3cf04e0c5cc5f2f5d&id=577191c58b&e=190a0955fb). Co-sponsored by: Rowan University Speaker(s): Dr. Brandon Grainger Agenda: 6:00PM Start walking tour of the labs 6:30PM Self-serve pizza, soda, water, cookies. Take to seats. 6:35PM Introduction to Rowan by (https://www.linkedin.com/in/robi-polikar-a110198/), Head of the Rowan ECE Department 6:50PM PELS/IAS Chapter update by Chapter Chair (https://www.linkedin.com/in/d-vishram/) 7:00PM (https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-grainger-ph-d-smieee-89922a15/) from Univ. of Pittsburgh will present, Modern Power Conversion Solutions – From Electric Power Grids to Aerospace Power Applications. 7:50PM Question and answer 8:00PM Socialization and networking 8:30PM Meeting adjourned Bldg: 9, 600 North Campus Drive, Glassboro, New Jersey, United States, 08028, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/412844