The section by-laws have been replaced by the MGA Operations Manual (click here for the PDF). Specifically Section 9.4.
One notable change in the Rochester Section was the term limits of its officers. We currently follow the MGA Operations Manual (9.4.F.7.b) which states term lengths of one or two years for Sections. For the Rochester Section, officers are elected to two year terms, except for filling vacancies.
- All officers shall be elected by Section members of Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member and Fellow Grade. Elections for all officers shall take place every one or two years, in accordance with the term of office as defined by the Section.
- The term of office for all officers shall be one or two years. A Section must define the officer term as one or two years and record it in its local operating procedures document; if the officer term is not recorded in the local operating procedures document, it shall be two year. An individual may continue in the position until a successor has been duly elected and takes office.
- The term of office shall normally be from January 1 through December 31.
- The consecutive period of service in any one office shall normally not exceed four years. All officers shall not serve in any one position, in any single organizational unit, more than six years in total. Exceptions to this rule require approval by the Region Director who will annually report such exceptions to the MGA Board.