Before your meeting:

Step 1. Click this Button to create the Meeting!   Step 2. Click this Button to notify your members!

1. You will need to create the notification at least 5 days before the notice should be sent out.

Step 3. Click this Button to report your upcoming meeting to the Section!

1. Have your Chair report this meeting at the upcoming Rochester Excom meeting!   This is important!  You never know when another group may be interested in cosponsoring your event.

2. Send an email to our Sectional Newsletter Chairperson at least 1 month before your event! Your message should contain all information regarding your upcoming meeting so that it can be advertised in advance.

During your meeting:

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE — take pictures.  Keep any receipts for items needed for the meeting (food, etc.)

After your meeting:

Step 4. Click this Button to create the L31 Report! Step 5.  Click this Button to report your meeting to the Section!
  • Send an email to our Sectional Newsletter Chairperson and tell them about your meeting (SEND PICTURES)!
Step 6. Fill out the disbursement forms!
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